Many couples find the second part of the programme priceless as it is the time when hormones can obviously fluctuate, appointments can be quick and confusing with medical teams and also emotions may feel like you are both on a merry go round. This gives you a safe, non judgemental space for you both to check in whenever you need.
Egg quality: You can’t change the amount of eggs available, but you can invest in their quality. We ladies are born with all our eggs and as we age the number of eggs available reduces, however, we still have control over the quality of those eggs.
It takes 12-13 months for follicles to prepare to release an egg, but the maturation process accelerates towards the final 120 days.
It is in the final 3 months when a highly energy-intensive process takes place, stripping the egg to its final state with 23 chromosomes. This is then the prime time to invest a maximum effort towards improving egg quality ready for retrieval. And that is exactly what we will do on this programme.
Sperm: It takes just over 60 days for spermatogenous (the process of generating your functional sperm) to take place.
BAUS (The British Association of Urologists Surgeons) state that of the “50% of the 1 in 7 couples unable to have a child in the UK the problem [ my preferred word being obstacle ) lies whole or partly with the male partner”.
Nearly all of my clients improve not only their overall sperm count and volume, but more importantly increase their sperm morphology.